Oast Park Sports Hub
Brand identity and community engagement for new sports hub
When Kent-based developer Obee Holdings set out to transform a disused golf club into a leisure-led, mixed-use community sports hub, they required strategic support to engage the local community in shaping their plans.

The ambitious project includes relocating a local football club to a new purpose-built community sports hub, alongside the provision of a new premium golf driving range, padel courts and 100 high-quality homes. The scheme offers the opportunity to unlock land for 50 additional affordable homes on the site of the former football ground.
Building awareness, understanding and support for the project was essential for this multi-faceted development. With no existing collateral and complex messaging to convey, Obee Holdings partnered with Pillory Barn to deliver community engagement, working closely with a multi-disciplinary team.
Using our creative and placemaking expertise, we developed the Oast Park Sports Hub brand, establishing a clear identity and assets for the project. Key engagement platforms included a project website and a digital survey, complemented by targeted media and stakeholder outreach.
Two consultation events were organised, attracting over 100 attendees, with notable participation from local council representatives. A carefully crafted strategy ensured diverse engagement methods including leaflet promotion, media relations, social media campaigns and personalised communications with stakeholder groups.
For those unable to attend the events, exhibition materials were uploaded to the project website, enhancing accessibility.
100 attendees at consultation events, including local councillors and stakeholders, demonstrated strong community interest and over 180 survey responses provided valuable data to inform the next stages of the planning application. Extensive, consistent media coverage raised awareness of the project’s role in safeguarding the future of the football club.
Through strategic engagement, Pillory Barn helped Obee Estates establish trust, foster community endorsement, and move a step closer to realising the development’s vision for a leisure-led new community.